Monday, July 30, 2007

Moved In

Even though I don't start until Wednesday, I got permission to get my stuff moved into my new office. There are a few things that came to mind as I surveyed the new space I will be in at Sardis Presbyterian Church. First, it is nice to have a couch back in my office. I had one before, but this hasn't been the case lately. I thoroughly enjoy having a place where youth and adults can be comfortable. It is also nice to have a place to read in a space more comfortable than an office chair. Another thing is that my office is in the same area as the other pastoral staff. In the past two years my office has been located away from the rest of the staff, which made me think this is how they all viewed the youth ministry of the church: separate from everything else. Finally, the view from my window is unlike any I have had before. As I look out, I get a nice view of the church cemetary. At first, this might creep people out. But I actually think it is rather cool. Pardon me while I get a little heavy on the theological side, but it is as if the saints of the past are right with me. It is a reminder of those who have come before me who have built this church with everything from their wallets to their presence. It doesn't make me feel weird. In fact, it makes me feel more at peace. That's my office.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Three Days Before I Start My New Call

It is the Sunday before I begin my new call as Associate Pastor for Youth at Sardis Presbyterian Church. I am going through a myriad of emotions. From anxiety to excitement (Are these the same thing?); from anticipation to hesitancy. After spending a week working at the Montreat Youth Conference as a small group leader, I am reminded of the tight community the church has, and how that community allows one to look at everything with hope. I believe that is where I am the most. I am hopeful this call will be one where God can use me to do some amazing things. I know I will have both ups and downs. But at the end of it all, I can rest knowing my hope is in Jesus Christ who has called me to this new church to do God's will.

So here is the list of things I need to get done:
  • Pack up all my office stuff to move into my new office.
  • Get the Macbook prepared.
  • Reread some youth ministry books to refresh my memory on good ways to start a call.
  • Pray
  • Pray
  • Pray
The clock is ticking, and Wednesday will be here before I know it. I am ready! (I hope.)