Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Why I Haven't Blogged Recently

This should give you some idea as to why I haven't posted in a while.

Breaking News: All Online Data Lost After Internet Crash

Saturday, August 4, 2007

It's So Hot!

My Lord! 
When you walk outside it is just oppressive! Hopefully everyone is experiencing some sort of air conditioning. To amuse you while you try to survive the heat, here are some "It's so hot..." jokes:

It's so hot ...
  • the cows are giving evaporated milk
  • when the temperature drops below 95 you feel a bit chilly
  • you discover that it really only takes two fingers to drive
  • you break a sweat the instant you step outside ... at 6:30 a.m.
  • you realize asphalt has a liquid state
  • the retirement center is having a wet t-shirt contest
  • the Baptists aren't burning any books
Stay cool!

Friday, August 3, 2007

iPhone Follow Up

Some of you may know that when I purchased my iPhone my wife, Katie, jokingly made a proposal. She said that I could get an iPhone if we had another child. I said, "Sure." This was when we thought there was no way we could purchase the phone. However, I came up with a plan that would make sure the phone didn't cost us any money. That is how I really got the phone. On the other hand, this man was not so lucky.

Things I Love About My iPhone

As many of you know, I have an iPhone, and it is completely and totally awesome. I know there are those of you out there who would love nothing more than to see each and every iPhone combust into thin air, but, call me a fanboy if you wish, I think it is the best thing since sliced bread. "Why do you love it so much?" you might ask. Here are the top 10 things I love about my iPhone:

10. It has a nice shiny apple on the back.
9. The size. You have to hold one to understand how thin this thing is. Fits in your front pocket nicely.
8. Web Browsing. No more mobile web for me!
7. WiFi. I love being in a coffee shop surrounded by people with laptops and knowing I can do most of what their doing with my phone.
6. The screen. It is absolutely beautiful.
5. Google Maps. I have used this app more than any other to find directions and to show off.
4. Syncing. Finally a phone that syncs seamlessly with my stuff on the mac.
3. The keyboard. I know some have complained, but I type 3-5 times faster on it than I did on my Treo.
2. The best iPod ever. It just keeps getting better.
1. THIS THING IS COOL!!!! I love pulling it out and having someone say, "Hey! Is that an iPhone?"And I say with big smile, "Yes, it is."

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Something To Keep In Mind For All Youth Pastors

Doug Fields is a wonderful writer, speaker, and pastor to youth and other youth pastors across the country. His latest article truly speaks to not only the mindset I should have, but also to my colleague's. Take a look at the pondering of whether we should have more events or more prayers for the upcoming year.

Second Day At My New Call

Yes, I know I should have written something about my first day, but things were just a bit busy. But I am in now, and it has been an awesome reception. Everyone is excited I am here, and I can certainly confess my excitement about being at such a vibrant, spirit-filled church. There is so much to go through right now from records of the past to meetings with the appropriate people. However, my first mission is to get to know these youth. I need to know their names, their parents names, and the names of their pet gecko. (Actually, I am not into lizards that much, so I hope they have dogs instead.) There is certainly a long road ahead, but I am willing to travel it knowing that Christ is walking right beside me.